Friends of Fediverse

We see ourselves as visionaries and as part of the "David versus Goliath" team. For us, this means that individual global technology companies should not determine how and what we communicate. We want to make digital communication "socially acceptable", i.e. bring it into the mainstream of society and allow for appreciative diversity. We do this primarily in Austria, but also worldwide, sometimes in cooperation with other local associations and organisations.

In doing so, we are constantly dealing with open questions:

  • How can we facilitate dialogue and discourse on digital platforms in a respectful and open-minded atmosphere for as many people as possible?
  • How can we protect the communication of individual groups and people and promote dialogue without causing unwanted side effects (hate, incitement to violence, provocation, etc.)?
  • Can we manage to provide an infrastructure of digital tools and opportunities for the Fediverse that is independent of individual technology companies and their arbitrariness regarding costs, data processing and content?

Ultimately, will we as a non-profit organisation - together with your support - manage to set up "infrastructure like the big tech companies", or will we have to realise at some point that something like this simply cannot be financed and administered as a social project? We are counting on the fact that we can do this together!

Support us with your donation!
AT54 2011 1849 4974 3900